Teletubbies Memory Game Reviews
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Teletubbies Memory Game Feature
The Teletubbies and all of their favorite things are featured on 48 cards for this game of matchmaking. Some of the cards have shapes and pictures to make matching a little simpler for younger children. The other cards call for good memory and concentration to find pairs of picture cards. Children can play alone or with fellow Teletubby-loving tots. When someone makes a pair, everyone shouts, "Eh-oh, Noo Noo," or "Eh-oh, Dipsy" depending on what the picture is. This game doesn't end with winners and losers but a "big hug," according to the instructions. The cardboard playing pieces come with a plastic tray for storage.
--Lynne Sampson
b>For 1 or more players
It's fun to find pictures of your favorite Teletubbie characters, two by two. Just flip over cards, two at a time, trying to make a match. If you find the same two cards - two pictures of Teletubbies playing catch - you keep them! Find the most pairs and you're the winner. Includes 72 picture cards and plastic storage tray.
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Oct 08, 2011 20:41:22
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